Pictures of an Entomological Trip in Eastern Turkey


Scientific aim was observing and collecting Lepidoptera and Coleoptera in East Turkey- Participants: Prof. Dr. Jose Serrano (Murcia), Dr. Muhabbet Kemal (Van). Photos by Prof. Dr. Ahmet Ömer Koçak

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Çatak Valley on 31st August, 2001

Van Castle on September 4th 2001

 Muradiye Fall on September 5th 2001

 Gevas, Gorundu village (South of Van lake) 2nd September,2001

 Yukari Narlica, 1.9.2001





Çatak Valley (South of Van Lake)

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Van Castle

A pleasant trip to the most prominent historical place of Van city.


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A short stop at Muradiye Fall on September 5th, 2001

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Gevaş Göründü, 2.9.2001


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Yukari Narlica

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Cesa 1999-2002

Updated on 11st February,2002